Drop-Off & Pick-Up Procedures
Due to staffing shortages, you may experience transportation delays or cancellations. In the event you need to drop off your child in the morning or pick them up in the afternoon, here are our procedures.
Morning Drop Off
- Arrive between 9:10 – 9:20.
- Pull into the back lot inside the fence using the gate farthest from the school.
- Stack into the four yellow lanes on the blacktop inside the gate.
- Cars will be signaled to move to the curb in groups of 5 so students may exit the car.
- Students may exit the car and enter the building ONLY after a staff member is present.
- Please pull as far forward as possible so that we can move efficiently.
- Students may only exit from the passenger side door of the car. Please ensure your child is ready to exit the car when you pull up to the curb (jacket on & hugs at home).
- Wait to move until staff dismisses cars and
- DO NOT PASS the vehicle in front of you.
- If you arrive after 9:25, please walk your child into the office at Door 1.
Afternoon Pick Up
- Arrive between 3:45 – 4:10.
- Pull into the back lot inside the fence using the gate farthest from the school.
- Stack into the four yellow lanes on the blacktop inside the gate.
- You will show your car rider sign that shows student names, and your child will be called to join the line. If you do not have your sign, we will need to check your picture ID.
- Cars will be signaled to move to the curb in groups of 5 so students may enter the car.
- Students may only enter the car through the passenger side door of the car. In order to keep our line moving efficiently, please teach your child how to buckle themselves in with their seatbelt or into their car seat. If you need to help your student, please move into a space in the parking lot.
- Wait to move until staff dismisses cars and DO NOT PASS the vehicle in front of you.
- If you arrive after 4:20, please pick up your child from inside the office at Door 1.
ACSC Transportation Department
If you have questions or if your or someone you know would be interested in employment opportunities, please contact the ACSC Transportation Department.
Hours of Operation
Summer: M-F, 7:30 am-4:00 pm
School Year: M-F, 5:30 am-5:00 pm
Contact Info
p: (317) 544-6140
f: (317) 544-6141
e: transportation@avon-schools.org
w: avon-schools.org/transportation
ACSC Transportation Center
255 South Avon Avenue
Avon, IN 4123
What if a route is cancelled?
- If Avon Schools cannot provide bus transportation, parents will be asked to provide transportation or the student will be marked excused in their attendance
- If we cannot provide transportation in the morning, evening transportation will not be provided either.
- Avon Schools will alert you through ParentSquare if transportation is not available. Our goal is to be in touch at least an hour before the first scheduled pick up.
- Parents should update their pick-up lists to include trusted adults who may be required to pick up their child after school.